Cigar Aficionado-Diigital Magazine features all the best of Cigar Aficiando. This luxury lifestyle magazine focuses on the enjoyment of fine cigars. Each issue features an overview of the best-rated cigars.
Bimonthly cover stories detail famous individuals who are cigar connoisseurs, from Usher to Pierce Brosnan to Rob Lowe. Issues also contain interviews with individuals who own cigar stores and work in the cigar industry. Other helpful sections include a glossary of cigar terms, polls and helpful tips. Each issue features information about Cuba, its culture, tobacco and cigars. Cigar Aficionado also recommends the best cigars based on score, brand, country, size, price range, year, wrapper and more. One of the most popular sections is the "Good Life Guide," which highlights the best of everything, from food to watches. The magazine also covers travel, culture, sports, style and cars. If you love cigars or are looking for the perfect gift for someone who does, you will enjoy Cigar Aficionado magazine!
Cigar Aficionado-Digital publishes 6 issues a year, but reserves the right to change the number of issues in an annual term, including discontinuing any format and substituting and/or modifying the manner in which the subscription is distributed.
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